Saturday, February 4, 2012


Almighty Father,

Thank you for the business

You have enabled me to begin

And sustain.

Enlighten my way

In leading and inspiring people

Engaged in the business organization,

Industry, and communities that I serve.

Allow us the mastery of your will

For the role you would want

This business to play

In you divine plan.

Provide us all the resources,

Human and material, for this enterprise.

Sustain us financially

For growth and development,

And keep us humble with our successes

And innovative and creative

In our endeavors

Help us in our crises,

And guide us in every step we take

As we run and manage our business.

Let our business involvements be models

Of inspired integrity

And allow it to bring good health, wealth,

And prosperity among your people.

Bless our business partners, clients,

And suppliers..

Give us the faith and confidence

That we can accomplish even

What seems to be impossible.

Move us to dispense all our actions

To be full of love for you

And the rest of mankind.

In Jesus' name.


Friday, February 3, 2012


Lord Jesus, I am a business person, engaged in commercial enterprises. I have to work hard to earn my salary and I do not always remember to put my Christianity to work in the marketplace. Please forgive me for this, and help me in the future to keep the public interest ever in mind. I know I cannot change the world by myself, but I can try in my own little way to be more honest, more truthful and more trustworthy in my business life. Help me, Lord, for I cannot do it without you. Amen.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


O God, you have given me the great responsibility of being in authority over my fellow-men. Help me always to act fairly and justly; as well as mercifully. Help me to know when to enforce discipline and when to mitigate it. Help me never to be guilty of prejudices or favoritism for any man. Help me to remember that people are always more important than things, and that men are always more important than machines. Keep me from exercising my authority in harshness or tyranny, and help me also from being afraid to exercise it at all. Let my presence and ,my example make myself and those who work under me one family. Help me to remember that, though I am called master, I too have a Master, Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


O Lord, you are the God of Hosts. Strengthen us who are members of our country's armed forces. Make us prepare so well to defend our country that we will eliminate the need to do so. In serving our country may we be rendering service to you. Make us loyal to our loved ones in spite of separations of every kind. Keep us devoted to your Church in spite of the pressures of our duties. Help us to lead others to you by the example we give to our comrade-in arms. Amen.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Spirit of God, creative inspiration of all that we do which is beautiful. We thank you for painting, sculpture, music, drama and literature and all the endeavors which point us beyond ourselves. We thank you for every enrichment of our humanity and for the dedication which so naturally follows. Amen.

Almighty God, you are the divine Artist. I come to you with complete humility. I thank you for the talent you lent me. I thank you for the skill that you made me learn. I thank you for the vision of art that you made me see. And most of all. I thank you for the gift of life you have entrusted to me.

Heavenly Father, please continue to enlighten me, with pure and modest ideas.

Please help me share this talent to others; take my hand and guide me to draw and create beautiful things; hold me and let me see more of those wonderful scenes to photograph; touch and inspire me to design with fresh ideas so others can see; and feel your goodness through my work of art; deliver me from evil works and guide me to the right path.

Dear God, as an artist, I turn myself to you through my projects and ideas, let me be your instrument to spread your holy name all these for you and your only Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Monday, January 30, 2012


O God, I thank you for giving me the power to travel higher than the clouds and faster than the wind across the sky. Give me a fit body, a clear eye, a steady nerve and a mind able to make instant decisions. Protect me in my journeying, and bring me always safely to my flight's end; and help me, as I journey far above the clouds in the vast spaces of the sky, to feel your presence near. Through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


My Father God,

Thank you for my talents and vocation

To be an Architect,

Your co- creator of homes, buildings,

Cities, and the world.

Out of infinite Love for us,

You created an unfinished world

So that we may continue creating it

And in this way

Continue creating ourselves

To be the perfect, fulfilled, and happy

Human beings you meant us to be.

We know only love

Gives value to our project

And not its size

So give us plenty of it.

We know that creativity and smart work

Are what we need

To build our masterpiece of form

And function so give us plenty of these.

We know we need people

Who share our passion

To build a world that is beautiful

And sustainable for rich and poor alike

So give us loads of them

-people who will appreciate

Our creations and compensate us fairly.

With all these gifts,

In good and bad times,

We shall continue being the Architect

You have destined

And honored us to be.

All these, we are ready to receive

Through the merits of the passion

Of our Lord Jesus Christ

And through your humble channel,

Our blessed Mother.
