Thursday, September 20, 2012

Daily Prayer for husband and wife

O God, we want to live our life together with you and always to continue it with you. Help us never to hurt and never to grieve each other. Help us to share all our works, all our hopes, all our dreams, all our successes, all our failures, all our joys and all our sorrows. Help us to have no secrets from each other so that we may be truly one. Keep us always true to each other, and grant that all the years ahead may draw us ever closer to each other. Grant that nothing may ever come between us and nothing may ever make us ever drift apart. And as we live with each other, help us to live with you, so that our love may grow perfect in your love, for you are the God whose name is love. This we ask for your love’s sake. Amen

Prayer when heartbroken

Lord, I offer to You my heart that is hurting.
At the cross, Your heart was broken and bruised, too.
You know what I am going through and the pain I am feeling.

Your Word says that " the Lord is near to the brokenhearted,
and saves the crushed in spirit. It also says, " He heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds."

I ask for Your healing grace to mend my broken heart.
Take away any bitterness and anger inside of me.
I accept Your love.
Show me the path back to wholeness. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

OFW Prayer

Dear Lord, source of hope and our way to salvation
Guide them as they travel.
Lead them on the right path,
And never let them depart from You.

Grant them a safe journey from the home they leave behind
To their respective destinations:
May they find true and honest friends,
May they encounter caring and gracious employers,
May they have decent and rewarding jobs,
May they have a peaceful stay,
May their sacrifices bear good and lasting fruits.

Watch over them and always lead them safely back home:
Keep them away from any harm and danger,
Spare them from sickness and accident,
Protect them from embarrassment and humiliation,
And deliver them from scandal and shame.

Stay by their side and always remind them of their true home:
As pilgrims, we are just passing in this world,
As Your creatures, we must return to You,
As Your servants, we must lead others to Heaven.

Watch over O Lord, those whom they leave behind;
Let their homes be always safe,
Let their children be always secured and responsible,
Let their love remain always faithful,
And let what they earn be spent for good.

Watch over us as we are away from one another.
With your grace and blessing, may we see each other again:
To enjoy once more each others company,
To hear and listen to our own life-stories,
And more than ever, to accompany one another
On the road that leads back to You.
Lord, please lead them safely back home. AMEN.