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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Law enforcer's prayer
Lord God, you have created a marvelous world which is permeated by a wondrous sense of order. Yet human beings have a tendency to war against order. That is the reason why there are people like me who work at maintaining order in society. Help me to use my authority with understanding and restraint and without bias or anger. Let me remember that in carrying out my function I am sharing in your Divine Providence in the universe so that the people in this world can live in peace and grow in the knowledge and love of you, of your Son, and of Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lawyer's and Judge's Prayer
Almighty God, first law- giver and final judge. You have made man in your image, with the power to know your laws and to fashion others of his own. Pour into our minds, we pray, the Spirit of your wisdom and justice, so that our counsel may be wise, our judgment just, and our dealings in human jurisprudence will ever reflect thee plan of your eternal Law. Amen.

Nurse's Prayer

Christ, may we work in devotion. May we touch with gentleness; may we speak with tenderness; may we listen with our eyes as well as our ears. May we smile from the heart; may we understand with deep feeling; may we know the time to be quiet, the time laugh, the time to sympathize, the time to encourage. And above all may we know that the time to love is now! Lord, hear our prayer. Amen.

Physician's Prayer
Lord of life, light my mind to know the remedies for my patient's illness, and touch my heart to feel compassion for their sufferings. When I stretch out my hand to treat the sick, let me heal them with a portion of your wisdom and your power. And when I can not heal them, let me help them on at least to deeper faith and resignation in your love. Amen.

O God, I ask you to take me into your care and protection along with all seamen. Make me alert and wise in my duties. Make me faithful in the time of routine, prompt to decide, and courageous to act in time of crisis. Protect me in the dangers and the perils of the sea; and even in the storm grant that there may be peace and calm within my heart. When I am far from home, far from loved ones, and far from my country, help me to be quite sure that, wherever I am, I can never drift beyond ones in the days and weeks and months when I am separated from them. Keep me true to them and keep them true to me, and every time that we have to part, bring us together in safety and in loyalty again. Amen.