Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bullying Prayer 2

God the father and mother of us all, beyond our highest thoughts and deepest knowledge, who has given us the gift of language that we may communicate with one another and talk of every aspect of your created world, direct our minds and our lips that in all our dealings with others our words may be fair, so that we cause no hurt, and let our actions reflect the kindness of our words. Amen

Bullying Prayer 1

Dear Lord, we know that you have given us the freedom to choose,
We can choose whether to treat others with kindness and respect or to scorn, bully and abuse them.
Help us to choose rightly.
Help us to recognize the divine image in each one of us, however different we may be as individuals.
Help us to resist the pressures of others who want us to join them in making someone a victim of their cruelty.
Help us to know that in hurting others we are harming our better selves and hurting you. Amen.