Thursday, August 4, 2011

Our Lady of Manaoag (APO BAKET)
You do not have to be clever to please me: all you have to do is want to love   me. Just speak to me as you would to anyone of whom you are very fond.

Are there any people you want to pray for? Say their names to me and ask me as much as you like. I am generous, but trust me to do what I know best.

Tell me about your pride, your touchiness, self-centeredness, meanness, and laziness. I still love you inspite of these.  Do not be ashamed; there are many saints in heaven who had the same faults as you; they prayed to me and little by little, their faults were corrected.

Do not hesitate to ask me for blessings for the body and mind; for health, memory, success. I can give everything…..

Tell me about your failures, and I will show you the cause of them. What are your worries? Who has caused you pain? Tell me about it. Forgive them, and I will bless you.

Are you afraid of anything? Have you any tormenting, unreasonable fears? Trust yourself to me. I am here. I will not leave you.

Have you no joys to tell me about? Why do you not share your happiness with me? Tell me what has happened since yesterday to cheer and comfort you. Whatever it was however big, however small, I prepared it. Show me your gratitude and thank me.

Are temptations bearing heavily upon you? Yielding to temptations always disturbs the peace of your soul. Ask me, and I will help you overcome them.

Well, go along now. Get on with your work or play. Try to be humbler, more submissive, kinder; and come back soon and bring me a more devoted heart. Tomorrow I shall have more blessings for you.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


O Lord, I pray that in my home, peace, quiet and well being may prevail under the shadow of Your Holy mantle. Bless and protect, O Lord, my endeavors, my enterprises, and all those who depend on me and everything that I long for and desire. banish from my mind and my heart false ideas and evil sentiments. Infuse in me a love for my neighbor and grant me the means to help him. Give me resignation and fortitude of spirit in time of adversity, so that I may rise above the contradictions of life. Guide and protect, O Lord, my own who are exposed to the dangers and contingencies of the world. Do not forget, O my Jesus, our loved ones with whom we were united in life, and whose departure from this earth caused us sorrow, at the same time consoled by the thought that, because they remained faithful to You, You did not abandon them at the hour of death. Have pity on them, O Lord, and bring them to their eternal glory in heaven. Amen.

-Francis J. Spellman D.D.
Archbishop New York

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, I CONSECRATE myself and my whole family to you. We consecrate to you: our very being and all our life. All that we are. All that we have. and all that we love. To you we give our bodies, our hearts and our souls. To you we dedicate our home and our country. Mindful of this CONSECRATION, we now promise you to live the Christian way by the practice of Christian virtues, without regard for human respect. O most Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, accept our humble confidence and this ACT OF CONSECRATION by which we entrust ourselves and all our family to you. In you, we put all our hope and we shall never be confounded.