Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Lord God, King of the Universe, you are the sole source of growth and abundance. With your help I plant my crops and by your power they give forth a harvest. Grant me the grace always to work with all my strength and ingenuity in cultivating the soil so that it will bring forth fruits for my benefit and the benefits of all who will use them. Make me ever aware that without my part in the work of harnessing the goods of the earth these particular goods would be lacking to my brothers and sisters in this world. Enable me at the same time to realize that without your part in this process I would be working in vain. Accept my thanks for your continuous past help and your never-failing assistance in the future. Amen.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Father God in heaven above, I lift up each lost soul on the face of this earth. I know that your heart desires to have all of mankind saved and serving you. I walk around with a burden for lost souls all of the time. Lord, I pray that you would speak to their hearts in a unique way that would minister to them personally. I pray for a revelation in their hearts that they need you there. I thank you that you are an awesome God, full of love, wisdom, joy, grace, mercy and goodness. Thank you for your promises and your love. I thank you that you will be pursuing these souls far and wide. Father, use these prayers posted, that many will come into the kingdom of God! Amen!

Father God in heaven above, I lift up each lost soul on the face of this earth. I know that your heart desires to have all of mankind saved and serving you. I walk around with a burden for lost souls all of the time. Lord, I pray that you would speak to their hearts in a unique way that would minister to them personally. I pray for a revelation in their hearts that they need you there. I thank you that you are an awesome God, full of love, wisdom, joy, grace, mercy and goodness. Thank you for your promises and your love. I thank you that you will be pursuing these souls far and wide. Father, use these prayers posted, that many will come into the kingdom of God! Amen!


Almighty Father,

You are the source of all wisdom,

Talents, and skills.

Thank you for these beautiful gifts

And opportunities to serve you,

Using them in the work

You have entrusted to me.

Please open my heart

And enlighten my mind,

So that I may be fully in tune

With your divine purpose in calling me

To the engineering profession.

Lord God,

You are the greatest Engineer,

Please infuse me

Even with just the tiniest spark

Of your Divine Wisdom

So that as I do my work,

It is really your work that is done.

Loving God,

Make my heart your heart,

My mind your mind,

And my hands your hands.

Make me your instrument,

So that I may be always

Conscious and mindful of the fact

That on my work depend the lives

And properties of my fellow humans.

Bless me also with the gift of love

And sensitivity to respect the people

Who build and use the products

Of my work.

This I ask in Jesus' name.


Sunday, February 5, 2012


Heavenly father, we thank you for choosing us to be in the field of development consulting, a calling that carries with it serious responsibilities and a strong commitment to contribute to the improvement of lives of people by recommending sound plans and programs on and assisting in the implementation of infrastructure facilities as well as sustainable environmental and social initiatives.

We pray that we keep the interest of our clients and the general public foremost in our work. In the execution of our respective competencies, we ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance to enable us to make ethical and moral decisions and to be partner of society in the fight against corruption.

We ask for your blessing that we will always respect and treat our colleagues and peers in the profession equally and with respect. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.