Friday, September 23, 2011

Prayer for Husband & Wife

           Keep us, Lord, from pettiness, let us be thoughtful in word and deed. Help us to put away pretense and face each other in deep trust without fear or self pity. Let us be done with fault findings and be quick to discover the best in every situation. Guard us from ill temper and hasty judgement. Encourage us to take time for all things to grow calm, serene and gentle. Help us to be swift with kind words. Teach us never to ignore, never to hurt, never to take each other for granted. Engrave charity and compassion on our hearts.
Oh Mary, conceived without original sin, Pray for us who have recourse to thee. Amen.

          Heavenly Father, I thank you for my husband. I thank you for all that he does on a daily basis to keep our family stable. I pray that you would continue to grace him to do all that you have purposed for him to do, and that your will for his life would be made clear.

I pray that you would grant him wisdom and knowledge so that he can make Godly decisions in our home, and at his work place.

I pray that he would find favor wherever he goes, and that he would be a blessing to everyone he meets. Help him to be a Godly husband to me, and a Godly father to our children.

Let him be a man of influence for you. Let others look upon him and see the hope of your glory.

Enable him to see himself as you see him, he is more than a conquer, and he can do all things through your strength. Father, silence all other voices in his mind, and his social circle that would tear him down and give him confidence and boldness in you Lord.

Help him to come to know you more and more every day, and to seek your face and not the approval of man. Teach him to hear and follow your voice, in Jesus name, Amen.

          Father God, help me to be a better husband to my wife. Teach me how to make her my number one priority and demonstrate to her true value. Let my actions and decisions be trust worthy, and fair. Show me how to listen to her and welcome her counsel in my times of decision making.

Make me aware of any plan, or scheme the enemy has launched against my wife so that I may stand against the adversary by the power of your might. Help me to be a lover of your word so that I may fight the enemy's attacks with your word!

Teach me not be overbearing where she is concerned, and never demanding. But instead show me how to demonstrate your perfect love to her. Help me to love her as you love the church. In Jesus name, Amen.


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